Summer ends with an announcement that we were very eager to make for quite some time. Today v.1.1 has been successfully released after being months in development. It took a bit longer than we expected but we believe that it was worth it. This is a big update that brings new features and paves the way for even bigger ones. Here’s some of the highlights:
Multiple Daily Check-ins
Ever since the launch of Today back in March, this was by far the most requested feature. In hindsight it made total sense: There are so many habits and activities that require tracking an action multiple times within the day and a good habit tracking app should support that at its core.

Building this into the app, however, was not as simple it might seem. To do this right we had to rethink and restructure core parts of Today. From the way you setup a habit for the first time to support multiple daily check-ins to the way you track your daily progress and calculate your streaks.
In the end this was for the best. Today now tracks multiple daily check-ins beautifully and the rebuilt engine behind it now allows for greater flexibility in the way the you can setup your habit allowing
for weekly and monthly habits as well.
Better habits overview
The work we did to support multiple daily check-ins lead to even more improvements. All habits now display their target frequency right on the cover so that you don’t have to look for it in the habit settings. You can now also check your progress simply by looking on the new circular progress bar that appears not the top left of each habit cover.
To help you track your habits even more efficiently we added a new screen, the Habit Progress View, where you can easily check your progress and edit your check-ins for the day. It is instantly accessible by tapping on the circular progress bar on the top right or from the streak calendar.

Lastly, the habits overview screen. The circular progress bar that you find on each habit cover is now visible in the habits overview screen so that you can see how well you are doing across habits.
Multiple custom reminders
This was a no-brainer for the proper implementation of the multiple daily check-ins but it’s available to any type of habit regardless of its frequency. Setup as many reminders as you need for each habit to get reminded as often as you deem suitable.
Today now speaks Chinese, Japanese, French, German and Spanish! We’re planning to support more languages in upcoming releases of Today and we’re always open to suggestions. In the meantime your feedback is invaluable to us. Please let us know if you notice any phrase or word in Today that might seem weird or unsuitable for the given context.
What’s next?
A new version of Today is about to be released very soon with many improvements and fixes. Most importantly the next version will introduce a brand new notification widget. Reminders in Today come in the form of iOS notifications which got a big upgrade in iOS 10 with Rich Notifications. The upcoming release of Today will also include support for this neat new feature that will provide a data-rich context for your habit as you get notified.
Today for the Apple Watch is also in the works but it won't make it into the next release. We promise it will worth the wait!
Today v.1.1 wouldn’t be possible without the help feedback from our beta team. Thank you so much for your help! If you want to help us make Today better and try our the latest features first you can be part of our beta team
We hope that you enjoy Today and stay with us, we’ve got great things coming up.